In the Simulator conversation.localParticipantIdentifier is always the same

No matter which message thread I open (Kate's or John's) the `conversation.localParticipantIdentifier` UUID is always the same. I think it would be nice if there was a different value for each thread.

Accepted Reply

It's been a known issue for a few betas:


It's been a known issue for a few betas:

We just download Beta 5 Today and it's still not working - there's no way to get turn based games working 😟

Unfortunately you'll have to focus your development and testing on real devices.

Well, what about developers that only have one device and can't test turn base apps?

I highly recommend getting a used iPhone 5c or some equivalent minimum iOS 10 device.

There are definitely interesting use cases of Simulator vs Device with iMessage apps - not just this one you described.