Photos Delete Confirm Alert: can it use App Name instead of Bundle ID?

I'm an experienced non-professional coder, but new to Swift and iOS development. I have less experience with UI related issues.

I am working on an app that - among other things - allows the user to send photos in their library to the trash/delete by swiping.

It works, but when the app sends photos to the trash, the Photos framework comes up with a confirm delete dialog. I understand the need for this (though wish it would let me roll my own). I do not wish to go around or disable this dialog, but I have issues with the way it looks.

When it comes up, it asks the user "Allow (my.bundle.identifier) to delete the photo?"

What I want it to say is "Allow [MyAppName] to delete the photo?"

Is this possible? The bundle identifier looks like code instead of human language, reveals more info about me than I would like a standard user to know, and is just plain ugly.

What do I do or change to make that dialog more user-friendly, and spill less information about me the developer? I get that the user needs to know who is trying to delete photos, but shouldn't the app name be enough??

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Select the Target, then under Info/Custom iOS Target Properties... see if the 'bundle display name/bundle name' is a macro string or the actual app name. If it is a macro, enter/hard code the app name instead.

Then use the Product menu with the option key pressed and choose 'clean build folder'. Then build/run/test again.


Show the alert related code that specifically calls the bundle ID.

Are you using macros in the Info.plist for name, etc.?