AVCaptureDevice isLowLightBoostSupported always returns false


i'm using [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] to capture data from the camera. I lock on the camera some settings like exposure, focus and white balance but when I try to set automaticallyEnablesLowLightBoostWhenAvailable = true on the device I can't. The check that I do before setting the value, [device isLowLightBoostSupported] always returns false.

I'm testing on an iPhone 6.

Is there any reason why the isLowLightBoostSupported always returns false? The documentation doesn't say why this could be false.




lowLightBoost was a supported feature on iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c. On newer devices, the technology has been supplanted by autoStillImageStabilization, which produces better results in low light.

Is there some documentation related to autoStillImageStabilization ? Google could not find any. And it'd be good to update the doc on isLowLightBoostSupported 🙂