iOS Distribution signing with Automatic Signing in Xcode 8

Hey there,

I'm using XCode 8 beta 2 and running into an issue running an app in Release mode.

In Xcode 7 I had an Debug configuration and a Release configuration. Debug was pointed to iOS Developer in Code signing, and Release was pointed to iOS Distribution. I sometimes would switch to the Release config in the "run" part of the scheme to test parts of the app that needed to be signed with a Distribution profile (in our case, testing push notifications or IAP).

But having trouble with XCode 8. Specifically, I'm trying to use the Automatic Signing feature.

By default, turning this on defaults to using a Developer Cert and corresponding Provisioning Profile. If I try and change my Release configuration in "Code Signing Entitlements" to use the automatic "iOS Distribution" setting, I get the following error:

"[App] is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity iPhone Distribution has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "iPhone Developer" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the target editor."

I suppose I could try and go back to the manual signing, but I thought the whole point of this Automatic signing would be that it would make my life easier.

Has anyone run into this issue before? Can you have multiple Development/Distrubution code signing on the same target depending on configuration, or does that require manual signing to work.



Xcode 8 beta can't be used for store 'distribution'. Maybe it knows that...

More to the point, however, is that automatic signing isn't new/unique to Xcode 8.

Xcode 7.3.1, which is a release version that can be used for store distribution, has provided that same ability for a while now. Note that auto has been pushed as the preferred signing method since the end of 2015.


Hello I have exactly the same problem with GM version. The strange thing is that while it keeps forcing me to set 'iOS Developer ' for release configuration (which should normally be iOS Distribution), it suceeds archiving for release configuration! And I even uploaded the binary to iTunes connect and is currently waiting for review.. ( Im doing this with stickerpack though) Maybe it is a bug and Xcode is doing a good job behind ..

I'm using automatic signing with a Development Certificate for Distribution to the App Store. Validated, uploaded and awaiting review (even have 'invalid' distribution provisioning profiles in the Developer website). Looks like xcode's distribution workflow is taking care of everything. Reference time 30:30 in the What's New in App Signing video. Sounds like we are supposed to use Development Signing (with automatic signing checked) even for Distributing.

Hey thanks for the heads up on that video. Very helpful!

I have the same issue but with enteprise certificate.

When using Xcode 7 and export the ipa with Distribution Certificate, after installing the app on the device, I see a popup saying that I have to trust the company. But when using XCode 8 with "IOS Developer" as Signing Identity in Release Mode, I don't see the popup anymore. I assume that it is still signed with developer identity. So my question ist, how can I export the ipa using iOS Distribution as Identity and having "automatic signing" on.

Moreover, I export the ipa from command line using xcodebuild. My commands currently look like this:

xcodebuild clean archive -workspace DSA.xcworkspace -configuration Debug -scheme APPSTORE -archivePath APPSTORE.xcarchive

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath APPSTORE.xcarchive -exportPath APPSTORE.ipa

Did you ever resolve this?

I would also like to know this. I am having similar issue with our enterprise apps.

iOS Distribution signing with Automatic Signing in Xcode 8