CallKit integration with call history


I'm adding support for CallKit to my obj-c app.

My calls are showing up in the Recents list in the native phonebook as expected. My app is also launched when I select one of the entires in the Recents history.

But how do I get information about the selected entry? I would like to show the correct entry in my app's internal phonebook but I can't seem to find any information about the selected entry in Recents list.




You can see the code in the speakerbox example.

You need to add a method in your delegate.

However I don't get anymore the call in the call list (since beta 3 I think).

Do you still see the VoIP calls in the call list of Apple phone app ?

In Beta 4 this seems to be fixed, Speakerbox calls using CallKit are registered and appear in the recent list in the Phone app.

Implement the following function in your AppDelegate.

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(nonnull NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(nonnull void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable))restorationHandler

Additional info can be found here xamarin documentation for handling that flow

Looks like you'll need to implement an INStartAudioCallIntent extention to properly handle the action beyond just launching the app.

This really helped me,Thanks.