Set preference to Objective-C

Is there any way to set the preference for all documentation to display Objective-C by default rather than Swift?


You mean online or downloaded/inside Xcode?

I know you can toggle online, but I don't think there is an option lever to pull otherwise for this.

Yet another new UI - different over this w/ a,b or both:

I would suggest a bug report to make a feature request, but I don't think Apple has that much control over the package used.

I would also like that preference. Getting kind of annoying to have to click Objective-C every time I land on an Apple Documention page from google

Completely agree. I have no need or want of Swift currently and having it shoved in my face in the documentation is distracting and breaks my train of thought during investigation of Cocoa.

There are other threads requesting this. I want ObjC documentation. At the very least they should switch the order and put Objc as the default and let the swift people have to hit the switch.