Thursday iTunes Connect Lab Notes


Since in-app purchases still cannot be managed by MDM, how does Apple plan to address managing applications that may move to a subscription model?

Follow up: What is Apple's recommended approach for managing free applications with in app purchases? Device based assigned apps cannot purchase any in app purchases.


In-app purchases are tied to a customer's Apple ID, rather than the VPP-purchased app. The challenge is finding a way to have that purchase be tied back to the original VPP-purchased license which was device-assigned.

Apple has not yet found a good way to associate the in-app purchase back to that VPP-purchased license. They're aware of the issue and are working on it, but no solution is yet available.

Subscriptions have a similar issue, since the subscription may be renewed or not renewed. The price of the subscription may also change. Apple is also working on this issue, but no solution is yet available.

File bugs on this issue.

See complete list of session and lab notes here: