XCode “DTAssetProviderService could not start..” error, After upgrade macOS Sierra Preview?

I have upgraded macOS Sierra Developer Preview, but my XCode 7.3.1 gives below error while run my project on simulator:

DTAssetProviderService could not start DTXConnection with Simulator 'İPhone 6s.' Check the system log for error.

In addition for Product > Archive gives below error:

A cryptographic verification failure has occured.

I have tried many similar topics same with Stackoverflow, but doesn't help me. Still continue same problem.

How fix all of them?


I have same problem:

run the simulator, error: DTAssetProviderService could not start DTXConnection with Simulator 'İPhone 6s.' Check the system log for error.

run the device, error: A cryptographic verification failure has occured.

I am also have the same problem. Not sure if it's caused by macOS Sierra beta or the Xcode 8 beta, but I'm unable to debug anything with Xcode 7.3.1 and the simulator. I can run the app in the simulator manually, then Attach to the process, but then I get no debug/console log out at all.

Same here, after Sierra update I remove and Reinstall XCode and got the same result.😢

Same here.

Reboot, clean project, delete app from the simulator or deleting all the files from DerivedData folder all failed to fix the problem.

Problem solved by reinstalling xcode.

The same thing is happening to me. There is literally no recourse!! 👿

Reseting Simulator, quitting Sim, quitting Xcode, cleaning, deleting derived data, restarted computer, removing all xcode version from computer and reinstalling Xcode 7.3. I've tried it all!!

I literally can't work, and I'm not going to go through the pain of trying to get El Capitan back on my system. Last beta I try this early, who's got time for this.

Anyone here officially submit a ticket?

Problem solved by deleting both XCode 7.3.1 and 8 Beta and reinstalling just XCode 7.3.1 from DMG.

I can confirm that this worked for me as well.

After opening Xcode, my Simulators and documentation were already installed (so those must be stored elsewhere). When I ran my project from Xcode, it opened the Simulator and attached the debugger just fine.

Doesn't help me. I found a solution on Chinese website http://www.jianshu.com/p/46c9de16a67a

Go to "Keychain Access"->"Preferences..."->"Reset My Default Keychain" and I was finally able to build my projects

Reinstalling should not be a way to fix this, shouldn't it?

I started to expirience this after macOS Sierra and Xcode 8 betas installation.

Desparete in finding another solution, I went with reinstalling Xcode 7 from .dmg and it fixed the issue.

See the post from Apple's engeneer, Jeremy here to find out more.