WKInterfaceGroup animated background images not displaying

Hello all,

I'm working on an app that uses animated images in WKInterfaceGroup backgrounds. I have this section of code to set the images:

[group setBackgroundImageNamed:@"Test-"];
[group startAnimatingWithImagesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 14) duration:15*(1.0/30.0) repeatCount:1];
[shapeGroup setBackgroundImageNamed:@"Test2-"];
[shapeGroup startAnimatingWithImagesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 14) duration:15*(1.0/30.0) repeatCount:1];

There are 50 of these groups on screen, and I have coded it such that all of them MUST run through the code I posted in order to change their image. Nothing changes the alpha values of the groups. I have ensured that nothing is asking the groups to update to different images at the same time.

The behavior I get is extremely inconsistent. Sometimes, group will run its animation. Sometimes, shapeGroup will run its animation. Sometimes both run, and sometimes neither run. There is no consistency either. A group that might have just successfully displayed one animation could fail the next time it is asked to display a new animation.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Find a solution to the problem?
