Xcode crashes when opening .SKS files

Hi guys,

I have been suffering from this stupid error of Xcode for month, and now is really desperated. Everytime I click any .SKS files, Xcode crashes with the announcement ''Xcode quit unexpectedly". I use the lastest Xcode 7.3 and even the beta 7.3.1 and El Capitan OS.

Yes, I have searched on google for this error. There are hundreds of results about this, means many people also suffer from this error. Howevery the reason why I still create a discussion here is: from all the pages I searched there is NO ANSWER for this error at all. An even on this website, some people raised the same question, but Apple Staff seems to ignore them and I feel like they just dont care about this!

How can I open .SKS files now? Because if I can't, I can't create and modify scenes. Can't create a game with only one scene.

Help, please!


>I use the lastest Xcode 7.3 and even the beta 7.3.1 and El Capitan OS.

Latest Xcode is 7.3.1...not a beta. Try it.

Me too.

Maybe this also making an error when I build it to my Iphone: <CAMetalLayer> calling display has no effect ERROR. (but if Simulator is fine) ???

And xcode also shutdown when I create Spritekit Swift file in Resource.

sks crash on any combination of xcode 7 & 8 + mac os 10.11, 10.12.

Could do nothing now.

When I press sks, xcode gone.

And now ? Is this fixed or not ?

I've been suffering from it ever since last year. Please tell me the solution if you have the answer.