iAd isn't working in the Xcode 7 beta?

I have tried looking for it in frameworks but it's not appearing for me. Why is that?


I'm trying to fix this too, but it seems nobody uses iAds anyway :/

I am having the same problem: iAd does not work with Xcode 7 whilst it worked before. Ad is not loaded anymore. At least on Simulator. I am trying also on a real device.

Someone have some news about that?

It is not good at all.

Thank you.

I think the problem could be related to

Support for App Transport Security
iOS 9 introduces a new feature called App Transport Security (ATS), which is a default setting that prevents an app from making non-secure connections. Any app built against iOS 9 using the latest XCode (7) will automatically default to only allowing HTTPS connections (App Transport Security is enabled). If ATS is not turned off, it will block all in-app ads on any iOS 9 mobile device, causing your app’s ad revenue to drop.

Apple has provided a way to disable ATS so that your ads are displayed correctly and your app will not get rejected from the app store. This method has been adopted by several networks.

For a different kind of Ad Network, this solution worked until a new SDK will be available.

But, what about iAd? This did not work.

Is it possibile Apple did not handle this?

Unfortunately are 10 days that I have the same problem, my app is build with iOS 9 and no longer receives impressions and revenue while instead for 4 months that it was fine. Some apps compiled iOS 8.4 work perfectly. I disabled the App Trasport Security because I could not connect to HTTPS ( because my server is a simple linux hosting) and I think the problem is linked to this new function iOS9. I just wonder why, if the problem is the App Trasport Security on the device being tested banners iAd is all ok, the console iAd app is on Line (light green). I sent 3 emails but still can not give an answer on the issue. I do not understand why should complicate their and our lives as developers !!!