Developer tools group


Every time I restart my computer and reopen Xcode, a message shows up wich tells to enter the credencials of a member of the "Developer tools" group in order to enable the Debugging features.

My question is where I can add users to this group, so that "not-admin-users" also can enable it.

Thank you in advance,


Accepted Reply

Add users to the _developer group using Terminal with the following command (you must log in to an admin account to run sudo):

sudo dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership <username>

Then restart. Xcode should no longer ask for credentials before debugging in the accounts you've added to the _developer group.


Add users to the _developer group using Terminal with the following command (you must log in to an admin account to run sudo):

sudo dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership <username>

Then restart. Xcode should no longer ask for credentials before debugging in the accounts you've added to the _developer group.