Xcode 7.3 SKReferenceNode crash!

Wanted to double check the usage of SKReferenceNode in Xcode 7.3, I could not see any relevant changes listed between 7.2.1 and 7.3.

In 7.2.1 I would load in my reusable SpriteKit Scene objects as follows (simple example):


let obstacle = SKReferenceNode(fileNamed: "Obstacle") as SKReferenceNode!



No problems in Xcode 7.2.1, yet in Xcode 7.3 the same code crashes the app stating 'Can't add body, already exists in a world'. Nothing has changed other than using Xcode 7.3. I then created a simple, clean project with a single SKSpriteNode inside a SKScene and no physics. Still the same problem...

I would like to think I've just missed some changes to functionality or perhaps the documentation has not been update. However, it feels more like a serious bug right now and a blocker for upgrading our existing projects to 7.3

For now I'm reverting to Xcode 7.2.1 and submitting a bug report.

Still broken Xcode 7.3.1 GM

For now I've found a workaround, if you create the SKReferenceNode using the URL method it works as expected, so you can use the following:

let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("Obstacle", ofType: "sks")

let obstacle = SKReferenceNode (URL: NSURL (fileURLWithPath: path!))


Xcode 7.3 SKReferenceNode crash!