How to get and send live voice data from built-in microphone?

I am not familiar with audio coding.

I am trying to create a VoIP app by using two iPhones/iPads under intranet circumstances.

I found a sample code which enables to establish communication between two iPhones/iPads under the same in-house WiFi router.

This sample code uses MCSession Clas.

By using this sample code, I can send image file to one iPhone/iPad to another via WiFi under the same in-house WiFi router.

Now, I would like to send/receive realtime voice data between them, from built-in microphone of one iPhone/iPad to built-in speaker of another one.

The function is just like walky-talky, interphone, income.

I have no idea what framework I should use. AVFoundation, Core Audio,...

If anyone has good referece, please let me know.

Thanks for your advice in advance.


Try this multipeer connectivity framework