App Store not updating / downloading apps


Is anyone elses App Store not downloading or updating apps? I have 7 apps queuing for update on my iPhone 6.

Tapping the update button or Update All causes the progress indicator to spin, fill up, then return to Update.

Restarts, etc do not fix.




Sorry to hear about your problem. My apps are updating correctly on a 6 Plus. Hope you find a solution soon.

I had that issue last night/this morning.

Did a hard reboot and then they updated. Either the reboot fixed it, or whatever the backed problem was fixed.

The store is behaving oddly as well for me.

If I go through my 'purchased' apps, the apps I try to download is not displaying the content, I have to press the back button and go back in to see what it is I am downloading. Once it has been opened in that way, it would be fine, but opening it for the first time just give me a 'loading' screen.

Numerous reboots, and changed of carrier did not help.

Yes I am having the same issue on iPad Air2. I opened a radar on a related issue - My App Store crashes every time I multiselect purchased apps to download (about 3-4) Bug ID Number is:


Saw a fix when I restarted my iPad Air 2.

I am experincing some issues with the store as well, the store keeps asking for the username and password for each app. I went in and check the the don't ask for passwords for free apps and it still is doing it. I went in and started doing apps one at a time and it did not ask for the password.

I'm having the same password issue. When I change the setting in the settings app to not ask for password for free or 15 minutes it seems to keep resetting itself too.

Yes! This has been happening to me as well. This workaround has worked reliably for me...

1. Stop any updates that are currently trying.

2. Turn off Wifi.

3. Find the smallest app that needs updating (to conserve OTA data) and tap Update.

4. Once it starts downloading, kick on Wifi.

5. Hit Update All. The apps should start downloading and installing.

Tried to stick a proxy between the phone and my computer to sniff the packets, but that failed... Not sure why this is happening. Same issue on my home and work wifi.

A reboot also fixes it... But that takes forever. 🙂


I tried Travelton's fixes (both) without success. I am having the identical symptoms. I even tried updating the apps via iTunes then syncing and those same 4 won't update. Interestingly, Find My Friends for some reason is stuck in the background constantly trying to update without success.

I have this same issue on both my 6 and air2 downloading apps for the first time sems ok but updating is a no go, Ive tried numerous options but cant make it work (hard reset, reinstall of OS, toggling airplane mode on/off, cellualr data and wifi data all to no avail).

The only way I can get updated apps is to delete and redownload but thats just too impractical.

I'm having this exact issue on beta 2.

Apps fail to update. Trying to "Update All" or "Update" each app individually leads to the App Store prompting me for my password. I enter it and it asks for it again and again. If I navigate to the homescreen, there is a blue dot next to the specific apps (indicating they're updated), but when I tap to launch it, the app will immediately crash. Restarting my iPhone allows for me to use the older version of the app again.

However, the only way I can update apps right now is uninstalling the app and reinstalling the latest version from the App Store. Will try to make a report of this ASAP! :-)