Watch Connectivity didReceiveUserInfo Complication Update, Watch Connectivity didReceiveUserInfo Complication Update

So, Im having issues with Watch Connectivity and potentially Clockkit.

So Im trying to use transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo in the parent app to send data to the watch and update the complication.

I have inside my extension delegate on the watch, didReceiveUserInfo where I process the data and then call to update the complication.

When I run The app on the simulator IT WORKS FINE. However, if I run it on device, the transmit from the phone starts, the complication calls requestedUpdateDidBegin() but the didReceiveUserInfo inside the extension on the watch is NEVER called and hence I have no data for the complication.

Any suggestions? or should I file a bug report?


It never hurts to file a good bug report 🙂 Make sure to include a sample project, what OS version your devices are runningn and detailed steps on how to reproduce, and then report back here with the radar number and I'll make sure it gets to the right engineers promptly!

Cheers Viking, that would be really appreciated, The radar number is 24941176. Fingers crossed for a solution! Just on a side note im having this issue with WatchOS 2.1 & 2.2, iOS 9.2.1 & 9.3, Xcode 7.1 & 7.2. I just dont understand why it works in the simulator but not on device...

Thanks! What's the latest seed you have reproduced this problem with? Could you try with beta 6?