What's Your Secondary Banner Ad Choice?

Assuming for the moment that we'll still be able to server banners of some sort via Apple in our apps...

What do you use as your secondary source for banner ads (or primary?) I'm looking for something that is:

• Easy to use alongside iAd

• Will never throw up an alert at my users

• Will never unexpectedly send my users to the App Store or iTunes

* Provides a good return in all English-speaking countries

• Provides an easy method of deposit

Good ones? Bad ones?

Thank you in advance.


Admob, but with only image and text ads enabled. I've had problems with Admob video overriding my own apps audio.

I've also tried Flurry, but its seemingly impossible to get paid and mmedia had a very low ePCM.

I chose adMob aswell. It has a very easy to use API and installment guidelines, however i find the quality of ads shown not as good as iAD. It just doesnt look right.

>Assuming for the moment that we'll still be able to server banners of some sort via Apple in our apps...

I hope I'm wrong, but right now I see no reason to assume that. Yesterday I noticed iAds weren't being served for a good period of time throughout the day. Since no new ads will be added to the network, it is only a matter of time before the network will have no ads to serve you, or practically no ads to serve you. Not to mention, many developers, including myself, haven't received payment for iAd earnings in four months.

I liked iAd, the banners looked good, and they didn't bother the user too much. But i've started updating apps now to replace them rather than waiting for the complete shutdown.

I always had a hard time with Admob. Not integrating them, but they never seemed to pay. Perhaps I'll give them another shot now

I've been paid monthly as expected. Have you tried contacting Apple about this?