Submit app update with iAd ?


I don't see any more the message in ITC about the end of iAd.

Can we submit an update of an existing app with iAd to AppStore until june ?

I have a update to submit in these next days, i hope to find a solution for iAd replacement later.



Accepted Reply

I've seen reports from devs indicating this isn't a problem. I put out an update myself at the start of the month for an app that uses iAd and it was fine, and is still serving iAds.

I think it's only brand new apps that are affected - it looks like the app makes it through review ok, just no iAds are served.


I've seen reports from devs indicating this isn't a problem. I put out an update myself at the start of the month for an app that uses iAd and it was fine, and is still serving iAds.

I think it's only brand new apps that are affected - it looks like the app makes it through review ok, just no iAds are served.

Thank you

My update was accepted with iAds