What do error code "-12642" and "-12785" mean?

I am working on a video app and from time to time I get error like this:

"The operation could not be completed. An unknown error occured (-12642)"

"The operation could not be completed. An unknown error occured (-12875)"

I couldn't find the map of the AVPlayer error code anywhere online. Does anyone know where I can get the error descriptions of all the -12*** code?


Accepted Reply

-12642 indicates that there was an error in the HLS playlist

-12875 indicates a request timeout

To resolve the first, take a look at running the mediastreamvalidator tool against your playlists to ensure they are authored correctly. The tools can be downloaded from the developer portal at https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?=http%20live%20streaming%20tools

For the latter, it might be that your servers aren't able to deliver the media quickly enough, or there is some sort of a issue causing requests to be dropped. I've seen this before if a proxy server is misbehaving, or if a server is overwhelmed.


-12642 indicates that there was an error in the HLS playlist

-12875 indicates a request timeout

To resolve the first, take a look at running the mediastreamvalidator tool against your playlists to ensure they are authored correctly. The tools can be downloaded from the developer portal at https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?=http%20live%20streaming%20tools

For the latter, it might be that your servers aren't able to deliver the media quickly enough, or there is some sort of a issue causing requests to be dropped. I've seen this before if a proxy server is misbehaving, or if a server is overwhelmed.

Hi, I have a almost same issue. I get error "-12785". Could you send me, where can I find a description for these error codes?
You wrote about -12875 is it mistake or did you mean -12785? Thanks for answer.

Error -12785 is a very different error.

It is an internal error indicating an attempt to operate on an invalidated object.

Thanks a lot for answer.

I got this error, when externalPlayback is active (airPlay). It strange, because player has status == AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay first. Player plays and movie is visible on TV. But almost immediatelly I got status == AVPlayerItemStatusFailed. If there is no implementation of this block, player plays movie to the end. Unfortunately I want to display some error message and clean all garbage, if player fails.

Do you have any idea, where can be a problem? Whats exactly mean that object is invalidated? I checked AVPlayerItem and it is not a nil. It is happening in KVO method. It is happening for time to time, not all the time.

And what does error code 12645 mean ?

Where can I find a list of all these codes mapped with their description,I wasn't able to find it.

Thank you

There is no public list of the error codes.

-12645 is another internal error. I can't give you a succinct summary, because it is really a catchall.

If you are seeing this consistently and can't figure out what is wrong I would suggest creating a bug or a technical support incident

and generating a sysdiagnose for us.

See https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/ for how to generate a sysdiagnose

and how to pull the result off your device to attach to a bug.

And what about -12160?

Can you help me?


Hi, can you help me with the meaning of the -12865 error code? I get it after I download a stream and try to play it from the bookmarks.

Thank you

Hi, for me it reported an error: NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12746, what does this means? thank you.