Repeated invalid APNs feedback service notifications

We appear to be getting daily repeated, erroneous, production APNs feedback calls for a very small number of users who are not uninstalling our app daily. Has anyone else seen this?

For each user, we have had them uninstall and reinstall our app - one via the live version in the app store, another via the latest TestFlight build. In all cases they got new device tokens compared to the previous app installation, and successfully received push notifications. They did not, and still have not, uninstall the app again.

24 hours later, the APNs feedback service notified us with these new device tokens, suggesting that the app had been uninstalled even though it had not. We receive the feedback service notification for these same tokens repeatedly every 24 hours, while push notifications are successfully received throughout this period.

We are connecting to the feedback service daily as per the APNs documentation, and set the expiration date of push notifications to be 1 hour after we give them to APNs. We are using the node package apn. For now, we have disconnected from the APNs feedback service since it appears to be, in these cases only, providing bad feedback.

If anyone else has seen this or has any ideas, please let me know!


We experience the same issues. I am able to reproduce the problem reinstalling TestFlight app on my phone. After logging in I receive a new token and notifications are being delivered. When I request feedback server for errors it claims that this token is invalid and that the error occurred just before saving the token in database. We also had to disconnect from APNs feedback server.