Xcode Added "Feature" to Magic Trackpad 2 Prohibits Drag and Drop?

Got a magic trackpad 2 (MTP2) and tried to use it with Xcode. Xcode seems to have the force-touch thing going with text definitions, nice. Force click the text item and it is the same as an option-click with the Magic Mouse or prior Magic TrackPad 1.

But the trackpad seemed to be broken. As much as I tried, no matter how hard or smooth, I could not drag text. I constantly triple-click a line and then drag it during editing. Much faster and more direct than triple click, copy, click, paste. Trying to drag the text results in the selection disappearing. Thought maybe this was some kind of bug with Xcode but my mouse and my other trackpad, mouse and trackball seemed to work fine. Ok, has to be some snafu with the MTP2

So I take the MTP2 back to the Apple Store, complain, get a new one. Presume old one becomes landfill? Who knows.

Get back, same freekin thing! Like the drag-****, "No drag for YOU!". Can't triple click a line and drag the text. Switch to Magic Mouse 1, works. Switch to Magic Mouse 2, works. Another defective trackpad? Maybe... Checked all the settings for the trackpad and nothing said "mess up the text drag and drop". Hmmm.

Then double clicked a single word in a comment and tried to drag it. Ay Carumba! It brings up the control-click definition of the word. WHAT? But wait boys and girls, it gets better... Double click and hold on that word then drag just loses the selection... You have to double click and let go, then click again to drag and it give you a definition. But wait, it gets better yet...

Clicking lightly, not a force click, on a word and pausing with the click-down and the cursor turns into the same "?" then when you let go, shows the definition! This has to be a bug it is so inconsistantly overiding normal click actions.

If someone else can replicate this issue, it is not my system or some crazy slipped setting... and I am going to take this track pad back as well. Don't need a $125 "only use it sometimes" device.

While Xcode violates many Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines, re-defining ubiquitous standard text editing conventions like drag and drop is a really bad idea. Hoping it is a coding defect to be fixed or my system is malfunctioning. The trackpad is great overall, but the lack of drag and drop text in Xcode is an absolute deal breaker.

Accepted Reply

Sounds like Xcode bugs. Personally I wouldn't be too hasty to return the device if it's just software issues that could easily be fixed in an update. Use the Report Bugs link found at the bottom of every forum page to file bugs against Xcode.


Sounds like Xcode bugs. Personally I wouldn't be too hasty to return the device if it's just software issues that could easily be fixed in an update. Use the Report Bugs link found at the bottom of every forum page to file bugs against Xcode.