How to add Folder to Navigation Area / Project Assets

In Xcode, if you drag a header file into the project assets, it can be accessed via common "local" header file syntax:

#import "MyCool.h"

and it works. It has been added to the project. Similarly you can have source code files (.m, etc) added via the same drag and drop and they are added to the project.

But on the other hand, if you are somewhat organized and you don't keep all of your source code in one big salmagundi folder, you might have classes, protocols, etc subdivided into folder like:




And if you drag the containing folder "MyCoolClass" into the Xcode project assets (navigation area) it seems to take the folder the 'exact-same' way it takes any of the individually drug source code file, verifying how to add the "source". The folder and the folder contents shows up as a folder in the project navigator / asset list. Xcode's version of "file info" seems to show the files as legitimately referenced assets. Birds are singing, sun is shining, beautiful day... not so fast...

When you go to compile, Xcode flags any #import for MyCool.h as an error in any of the source that is external to the MyCoolClass source and it ignores the MyCool.m source code all together. 😕

Am I missing something? Is there some kind of magic Xcode guitar chord of keyboard keys to to tell Xcode "no really, add the soruce files". Why would Xcode accept a folder drug in, provide the same dialog as any individual source file drug in, yet not work in any way with the result? One way or another it seems like a defect in Xcode... But I have been away from Xcode for a while so asking if I am missing something.