The executable was signed with invalid entitlements on Automatic Provisioning

I switched my provisioning to Automatic to try and get rid once for all of the certificate problems. Yet once I did it and for a time everything worked fine, the fearsome error:

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.

came out, with the additional problem that when I used the manual provisioning I had the **** option of deleting all the profiles and recreate them again, but with automatic provisioning it is eveything done by Xcode and so I do not know what to do to fix the thing.

Any suggestion?


have you resolved this issue?

For me when i am trying to add distribution provisional file it gives me this error. I am using xcode 8 . If ou found any solution plese let me know

Yes, the error sort of went away by itself soon after I reported the bug to Apple. A little tim has passed sinc and so I do not remember the actual circustances. Sorry for that.

I got this Xcode error message when trying to update and Validate a very old Xcode project (2009 vintage).

What worked for me was to add an unneeded entitlement (iCloud) in the Target Capabilities tab, Archive, delete that archive, then remove the unneeded entitlement, and Archive again. After that, Xcode had created an entitlements file; and the invalid entitlements error message when doing a Validate or Upload of the new archive went away.