Error itms-90032:"invalid image path- no image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIconFile': 'icon.png'"

hello everyone, when I am trying to upload new build of my apache cordova's base application to the iTunesConnect via Xcode 7 I am getting this error message:

Error itms-90032:"invalid image path- no image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIconFile': 'icon.png'"

I put all icons by selecting (use asset catalog) into Images.xcassets but when I submit my application to the app-store after archiving this error message comes. any help would be greatly appreciated!


I am having a similar problem uploading my PhoneGap App through Application Loader.

I had this same problem, it seems that Cordova does not properly copy the icon.png file into the 'Resources' folder.

To fix:

In the 'View' menu, click Navigators > Show Project Navigator

Right-click on the 'Resources' folder and select 'Add Files to __project name__'

Then navigate to your icon.png file and open it.