MacBook Pro Dimensions


I'm looking to design a case for Apple laptops (the whole range), beginning with the 13" MPB Retina. I know Apple provides the computers dimensions on their own site, but they are an overall and don't give specifics such as the radius of the corners, the curve and separate dimensions for the computer lid vs. base, thumb scoop for opening, etc... however, they offer everything for the iPhones but I see nothing for their range of laptops. Does anyone know where I can find this information? Specs for the whole range would be great, but 13" MBP Retina is most crucial at this time.

And yes, I have measured the computer myself, however I think there is a lot of room for error in that and if anything is a fraction of a millimeter, I will not be able to see this variation.



Your tooling vendor should be capable of making those measurments - talk to them.