Xcode 7.2.beta.3 Can't update doc sets

Installed Xcode 7.2.beta.3 and trying to update doc sets but get error

Could not download and install Xcode 7.2 Documentation. Don't know how to install package with extension from file:///Users/me/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/Downloads/com.apple.adc.documentation.Xcode-702.2.. Downloaded from {

dependencies = (


fileSize = 239503175;

identifier = "com.apple.adc.documentation.Xcode";

name = "Xcode 7.2 Documentation";

source = "https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/Documentation/Xcode_7.2_beta_2_DocSets/03143045A.dmg";

userInfo = {

ActivationPredicate = "7.2.0 >= '7.2'";

Category = Documentation;

IconType = IDEDownloadablesTypeDocSet;

InstallPrefix = "/Users/me/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets";

InstalledIfAllReceiptsArePresentOrNewer = {

"com.apple.pkg.5.0.DevToolsDocset" = "";


RequiresADCAuthentication = 1;

Summary = "My description of content";


version = "702.2";


Accepted Reply

Thanks for the "help".

I found the download links and will install manually


Thanks for the "help".

I found the download links and will install manually

I have the same problem and could download the documentation manually. Installation however did not succeed. Xcode still wants to update the documentation and when doing so one gets error messages similar to the one above. Note that this happens with Xcode 7.2 beta 4.

I am also seeing this with Version 7.2 beta (7C46l)

Could you tell how to do it manually?

Xcode will not recognize that you have installed the docsets because when you manually download them, you dont get a bom and plist that Xcode needs to turn off the buttton in update.

Turn off the automatic update until it's fixed.

I just downloaded Xcode 7.2.b.4 and the docsets are still broken, ie, cannot download but the docsets are still from Xcode 7.2.b.2 so there are no changes.