Subclass SKSpritenode into ButtonNode

Hi All

In DemoBots os(iTV) when you call:-

let scene = sceneMetadata.sceneType.init(fileNamed: sceneMetadata.fileName)! it calls

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {

super.init(coder: aDecoder)

in ButtonNode which is a subclass of SKSpriteNode.

The call for scene invokes SKScene class which is a a subset of SKNode which conforms to NSCoding.

But when I try to implement this in my project I call let scene = etc but no call to init?(coder

I made a test programme which worked and checked my project conformed to this and the DemoBots but I cant see why it is not working!

P.S the trest programme did not work at first and then it did but no changes had been made. Strange!!