Breaking SKTexture API change in 9.2b... Intentional?

In running the 9.2 beta, I'm getting an error in some of my Swift code:

let image = Image(CGImage: texture.CGImage, size: texture.size())

This line works fine in < 9.2 beta, but as of the beta, it appears that the SKTexture API has changed from:

    @available(iOS 9.0, *)
    public var CGImage: CGImage { get }


    @available(iOS 9.0, *)
    public func CGImage() -> CGImage

As this is a backwards-breaking change, I'm wondering if it's intentional, or a bug. If the API change was intentional, then shouldn't it have become something like this?

    @available(iOS 9.0, *, deprecated=9.2)
    public var CGImage: CGImage {
        return CGImage()

    @available(iOS 9.2, *)
    public func CGImage() -> CGImage


FYI: Reported as Radar: 23348751: "SpriteKit + Swift: Breaking SKTexture API change in 9.2b"