Message reply took too long in Watchkit response

I am getting this error where trying to submit a request to the paired app. If I execute the same code from inside the app it take a little time as it needs to execute a few url request, but it finally returns. When I do it through a call from the InterfaceController on the Watch extension, I get no return and the timeout elapses instead. I am using a block to process the request as in:

public func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveMessage message: [String : AnyObject], replyHandler: ([String : AnyObject]) -> Void){
        var replyValues = [Dictionary<String, AnyObject>]()
        switch message["command"] as! String{
        case "buspoll":
            BackgroundLocationUpdate.sharedUpdater().remoteFetch{(arrivingBuses) in
                for index in 0..<arrivingBuses.count {
                    let element=arrivingBuses[index]
                    let bus=element.bus
                    let address=element.address
                    let destination=element.destination
                    let location=element.reportingPalina?.location ?? CLLocation()
                    let time=element.time
                    let busDestination=String(format: "%@: %@", bus, destination)
                    let timeLocation=String(format: "%d min. at %@", time, address)
                    let dict:Dictionary<String, AnyObject>=Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral: ("destination",busDestination), ("time", timeLocation), ("location", location))
                let containingDictionary=Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral: ("response", replyValues))

if I put the replyHandler outside the block, it gets correctly called and returns to the Watchkit extension. If instead I do it in the block as in the code, nothing happens. Should it be submitted on main thread or what else could be the problem?