Texture Mapping Lost In DAE Conversion To SCN Asset

I have a DAE file that shows up just fine in my SceneKit app. However, when I converted the DAE file into an SCN asset, the texture mapping was removed.

Here's the code for loading the DAE file,

        orionScene        = SCNScene(named: "orion.scnassets/Orion/Orion.dae")!
        orionNode         = orionScene.rootNode.childNodeWithName("Orion", recursively: true)!

This works just fine. The spacecraft that appears looks just as it was modeled, with the texture mapping all in order.

I convert the DAE file "Orion.dae" by selecting it, going to "Editor", and selecting "Convert to SceneKit scene file format".

I load the new scn file,

        orionScene        = SCNScene(named: "orion.scnassets/Orion/Orion.scn")!
        let orionNode     = orionScene.rootNode.childNodeWithName("Orion", recursively: true)!

And the resulting model appears without the texture, which is located in "orion.scnassets/Orion/OrionTextureMap.png".

If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, please chime-in.



Does the texture still show up in the editor when you re-open the .scn file ?