Unable to validate your application


I just started getting this error this morning, when trying to upload using xcode. I uploaded eariler this week with no problem. I'm using Xcode 6.4. The full error is

Unable to validate your application

The application you have selected does not exist.

Is anyone else seeing this?


I am getting it too, for al my projects. I'm only pushing new builds.

Also getting this. Stackoverflow turns up old threads that suggest it's an Apple issue. Hey remember when Apple's CEO told Google to get their **** together?

I am also getting this error. I am running XCode 6.4

I'm having the same issue with Xcode 6.4. I have worked very hard for the several weeks, and I get this error message that I cannot fix on my own. La vida no es facil. My spanish teacher was right all along.

I just got it today, filed a bug report, you should as well.

Bug report #23230937

I saw this with the Application Loader. I then realized I was logged into the wrong account.

I've just tried to upload a build via command line - as I use jenkins to push jobs up to iTunesConnect - and I too am seeing the error about application not existing. I thought it was because I had not created a new version, but it isn't that. I tried running Application Loader itself (from Xcode 6.4) and it was able to successfully upload the ipa file.

The error I am seeing from altool is:

*** Error: Failed to get authorization token: Error Domain=ITunesConnectFoundationErrorDomain Code=-20203 "The application you have selected does not exist." UserInfo=0x7f8bd146fdb0 {NSLocalizedDescription=The application you have selected does not exist., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}

This has worked previously, and I was certainly able to use it on Tuesday without error.

I am also seeing this error. Started yesterday, was using XCode 6.1 so I tried updating to 6.4 - no change, still getting it.

I have 2 targets in my app and both are failing to upload.

Still having the same issue today.

Validate works just fine.

I was able to upload using Application Loader, still doesn't work with Xcode.

Yip I too am getting the same error.

For me it started yesterday late after UK time. I was using xcode 6.3 and getting that error, but I thought maybe it was because I was working remote and using mobile data connection.

Today in office using xcode 6.4 I am getting the same result. I can only hope that Apple sort out the problem. Pretty please.

Same issue here. Tried to submit a new build yesterday from Xcode 6.4, got "Unable to validate your application. The application you have selected does not exist.". The archive validates just fine. This worked a week or so ago, I'm guessing it's connected to the release of Xcode 7.1 and iOS 9.1.

Update: Tried using Application Loader and I couldn't even log in. However, my developer account is used for contract work and I'm a member of several development teams. Suspecting that could be the problem I tried Application Loader again, this time logging in with a developer account that is on a single team, and that worked fine! I could then upload the new build.

Is this the case for everyone else having problems too?

Same here (Xcode 6.4 fails, Application Loader works fine).

My issue with submiting new builds through Xcode started on Oct 21st.

I have the same problem since 3 days I tried everything but with no luck!

Even Application Loader didn't work. Seems to be a problem with Info.plist file. But my file seems to be okay.

Two weeks ago I uploaded a build of the same app with Xcode 6.4 organizer without any problems.

It is really frustrating if you get trouble with such issues. It's wasting of time.

I hope Apple will solve it!