Will an invite only app be accepted?

Hi Everyone,

I am planning to launch an app that would be invite only for the start. Not because it is in beta but for marketing purposes.

Any of you seen or had experience with app review in that case? Will it be accepted?

Of course, I will provide a token to be able to test the app when I send it to review.

Thank you for your help


How many invitees?

Your concern would be with section 2.22 in the App Store Review Guidelines:

"Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the App, such as by location or carrier, may be rejected"


Personally, if this was a requirement for the project, I would explain to Apple in the notes section when submitting your app why it's invite only in order to improve chances of being accepted.

Hope this helps!

Hi Guelen, what ended up happening with this? This issue is relevant for my app.