create csv or xls file


I am totally new to XCode and swift. I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me how to create a csv or xls file using swift. Thank you very much.



XLS files are complex so I’m going to ignore that.

CSV files are a lot less complex—although more complex than most folks think—so I’ll focus there. Here’s some simplifying assumptions:

  • you’re build an iOS or Mac app, and thus have access to Foundation

  • the data will be small enough to fit in memory easily

  • the text encoding will be UTF-8

  • the line breaks will be Windows style (CR LF)

  • the items won’t include any weird characters (like CR or LF)

Based on those requirements, here’s an implementation that optimised for readability:

import Foundation

func quoteColumn(column: String) -> String {
    if column.containsString(",") || column.containsString("\"") {
        return "\"" + column.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\"", withString: "\"\"") + "\""
    } else {
        return column

func commaSeparatedValueStringForColumns(columns: [String]) -> String {
    return {column in

func commaSeparatedValueDataForLines(lines: [[String]]) -> NSData {
    return { column in

let input = [
    ["l1,c1", "Quinn \"The Eskimo!\", DTS Engineer", "l1c3"],
    ["l2c1", "l2c2", "l2c3"]

Or if you want something more compact:

func CSVDataForLines(input: [[String]]) -> NSData {
    return {
        $ {
            $0.containsString(",") || $0.containsString("\"")
            ? "\"" + $0.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\"", withString: "\"\"") + "\""
            : $0

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""