Content Blocker - Submission problem

Good morning everyone,

Trying to figure out what is happening with my content blocker for iOS Safari under iOS 9.0.2. When I run from Xcode on my device, everything works perfectly. Content blocker blocks content. Enable it. Disable it. Perfect.

However, when I submit to app store, reviewer said they couldn't confirm it blocked any content. So I took the same build and submitted it to TestFlight, and then downloaded on my actual device. When I launch the app part on the device, it looks fine. However, when I go into Settings -> Safari -> Content Blockers and enable mine, I get this error in the device console log:

Oct 13 07:12:24 Andrews-iPhone6 Preferences[203] <Warning>: Error loading content blocker (com.AndrewBenson.AndrewBundleName---Content-Blocker): Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named}

When I launch Safari then, no content is blocked, and no amount of closing and reopening Safari and enabling and disabling the blocker will make it work.

I did stick some NSLogs in my ActionHandler for the content blocker just to make sure beginRequestWithExtensionContext was getting called, but it is working. Additionally, I call completeRequestReturningItems with a completion handler and no error is getting returned.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




I'm getting same error. How did you confirm your actionHandler is working? My experience is NSLogs don't work and it's impossible to debug.

Hi, do you solve it?

Might want to test using an ad-hoc build rather than TF.