Access Live Photo from Share (or Action) extension

Docs for iOS 9.1 beta says: "If you have a sharing extension, you can also get PHLivePhoto objects by using NSItemProvider."

However, in the block for -loadItemForTypeIdentifier:, the NSURL is nil and NSError is:

Error Domain=NS CocoaErrorDomain Code=-1 "(null)"

Anyone knows how to access a live photo's movie content in a share (or action) extension?

PS: I can access PHLivePhoto with the Photos framework just fine within the main app.



It looks like this old bug is still there 2 years later.

I've opened a bug report number 35325817

It used to work correclty when Live Photos were introduced by Apple (as I was using that action extension feature in my app).

But it is not working anymore (at least not in iOS 11)

By the way, the NSError is now "Cannot load representation of type"

I'm assuming this is still life-as-we-know it-- that accessing live photos from sharing extensions doesn't work? See also

It still does not work...sad :(