CAMetalLayer calling -display has no effect.

Hello community,

Can someone please explain to me why I am getting the following error in the log when I run my app, and what steps I can do to remove this error?

<CAMetalLayer: 0x155f4c4b0>: calling -display has no effect.

It seems to have come up with the release of iOS9. That's all the information I have. I also noticed some delay in the emitter nodes in my app.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.



Hi applemanjoe,

The log output is spurious and entirely harmless. It quite literally has no effect.

As for you issue with your emitter nodes; do you have a small sample that you could attach to a bug report? Did you see this issue during the beta seeds after WWDC leading up to the release of iOS 9?

Thanks for your feedback and for reaching out.


Hello Greven.

SKEmitter nodes are very broken.

Try to do this in Xcode 9.1 Beta 2. using ios 9.x

-Add one SKEmitter to the default GameScene.sks using the spacehip texture.

(In code)

- create a strong reference to the skemitter

- Remove the emitter from the scene (Using removefromparent)

- Add the emitter back to the scene "addchildren"


- Broken in iOS 9.x Simulator & Real Hardware

+works in iOS 8.x Simuator & Real Hardware

+work removing - adding SKSprite nodes

Hi indiedeveloper,

Do you see more issues in general with flows of Strong ref - removeFromParent - addChild?

Are there other issues with emitters you are hitting?

We appreciate the feedback and any radar numbers you could provide would be most helpful.


Hello Greven.

The other issue know on the forum.

Particle editor not showing particles

Bug: 22531263 (Closed) (Not fixed in xCode 7.1 Beta 2)

And recently i noticed buildning scenes that contain Emitters make Xcode crash constantly.

No problem(SO far......) if scene only contains SKNodes-SKSprite nodes etc.
As soon you add one or more SKemitters and start to switch between source files and .SKS files containing EMITTERS xcode will crash randomly.

/Indiedeveloper 😎

Hello Greven

Thanks for participating in the forum.

I have a problem with SKEmitters bug: 22831621

My app will happily work on IOS 8.3 & 8.4, but just freeze at random points in IOS 9.

When I turn off SKEmitters all is good.

Hi MacMacMac and indiedeveloper,

Thanks for posting the radars, it really does help. I assume you are testing the betas as they come out.

Indiedeveloper; do you have radar for the issue where you switch from .sks to source file and you see crashes?



I've been testing the XCode and iPhone beta's and can report no change :-(

Inspired by a post by another Apple rep, I've turned off Metal like so

  1. Edit your app's Info.plist
  2. Add the
    key with a bool value of YES

My app is now performing as I would expect ie: any problems are now of my own making :-)

Obviously not the preferred way forward, but at least my app has stopped freezing on IOS 9 and I can release it.

Thanks again to the all Apple rep's responding on the forum.

Hello greven.

"assume you are testing the betas as they come out."

A: instantly

"Indiedeveloper; do you have radar for the issue where you switch from .sks to source file and you see crashes?"

A: the crash bug seems to be fixed in xcode 7.1 Beta 3 , no crashes yet

New bugs spotted:

-SKEmitters All Reference nodes broken in spritekit editor (no visual)

Only SKSprite nodes render on device. Particleemitter broken

Bug Id: 22591906

- Using SKLight Node in scene gives very bad fps performance

Bug Id: 23028362

-Shaders broken in spritekit

Bug Id: 23008296

- zooming camera in spritekit gives bad FPS

Bug Id: 22988003



Hi indiedeveloper,

Thanks for the radar numbers and thanks for hopping on the betas as they come out.

For 22988003; do you mean you are using an SKCameraNode or is the camera another type of node? Do you have a sample project you are measuring here that you can attach to the radar?


Hi indiedeveloper,

In regards to 23008296; the shader seems to reference a uniform called 'u_duration'. This is not a built in uniform and there is no sign of you defining it elsewhere. Since you sent just a brief sample can you please make sure your own code is setting up that uniform before using the shader.

"program_source:14:34: error: use of undeclared identifier 'u_duration'"


Hello Greven, fully working bug sample has been attached to to bug ID 22988003:

Sample code shows :

~16 fps on iPad 3 (Retina)

~32 fps on IPad Air 2

Another performance Xcode GUI bug can be seen in this example:

1. When the scene is open in xcode, press the animate mode and try to zoom in the scene by scrolling the wheel on your mouse. the screen loses alignment. (Related to Anchor point bug? BUG ID:22201988 (Open))



Hello Greven.

Comfirm. works as described. "Bug" 23008296 closed.

More bugs incoming in xcode 7.1 Beta 3:

Bug ID: 23046804 SKLight broken render while zooming in/out of xcode spritekit editor scene.⚠

(Screenrecording attached)

Probably releated to bug ID: 22548225 which is a duplicate of 22201988 (Open)

(Changing anchor point of scene , breakes scene) ⚠⚠⚠

cheers 😎


Hello Greven.

Using iOS 9.1 Beta 5 & Xcode 7.1 Beta 3
the following serious bugs are not fixed in spritekit & scenekit


Bug Id:
22963357 - Duplicate of 229963357(Open) "cant remove/add skemitter node back to scene"

22548225 - Duplicate of 22201988 (Open)) "scene anchor-point bug"

23086112 : "broken FPS performance - crop node (mask)"

23028362 : "broken FPS performance - sklight node"

22988003 : "broken FPS performance - skcamera zoom"


Bug Id: 23008599 : "subdivided mesh in scenekit editor broken render"


Hello Greven.

New bug reported filed:

Bug ID: 23142549 - Xcode 7.1 Beta 3 crashes when 2 windows open viewing spritekit editor .sks files

