Game Center App available?

Could any of the developers that were lucky to receive one of the dev kits tell me if it ships with a Game Center App? Haven't heared anyone about it yet.


No, not on mine at least.

Nope, and I'm not entire sure Game Center is working in b2. It says I'm logged in, but when I go to view the leaderboards it just shows a blank white page with a message like "Data unavailable" or something like that.


There is no Game Center app in tvOS beta 2.

The leaderboards and achievements do work though.

You can log in, and post scores, unlock achievements.

You see small notification windows if you unlock one.

However, when you present the game center data in your app, you can only show the achievements screen, not a leaderboard screen.



My game doesn't have Achievements, only Leaderboards. Are you saying that it's not showing Leaderboards right now, only the Acheivements?


That is correct.

The scores are recorded, so you could display those in a custom UI.

But if you want to use Apple's UI, you can only show achievements, atm, and not leader boards.

Is this documented somewhere, or is this just an observation? I can't imagine that there's no way to view Leaderboards.


I just checked the documentation, and it implies full GKGameCenterViewController compatibility. The leaderboards should be appearing according to the docs.


Nope.... not in beta2.

Read the header files:

@property (assign, NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY)   GKGameCenterViewControllerState         viewState __TVOS_UNAVAILABLE;

After writing a bug report on this I heard back from Apple. Ends up the Leaderboards *are* there, but....

Leaderboards are available in the Apple TV UI, but it’s required that you create TV-specific images in your asset catalog in Xcode.

I'm not sure if anything other than just adding the images to the xcassets folder is required, but at least there's a way to make it work. The docs on this are non-existent.


I've added apple tv specfic images in my asset catalog for Game Center, but I still only see Achievments, did you have any luck getting this to work?

- Charlie

Yes, this works. Go into assets catalog and add a new item that is specifically called tvOS / Leaderboard. You also need to make a new graphic with a specific size. And, most importantly, add the ID of your leaderboard into the property for this image. Then it works.