Xcode 7 crash when add new localization file

I had upgraded xcode to version 7.0.1 several days ago.I found that when I wanted to localize any plist file and added new localization language every time,Xcode crashed unexpected.My OS X version is 10.10.5.Any suggestion should be appreciated.


The same here 😕

Same for me. suggestion?

+1 😢

Same problem. Can't release my apps.

I reported the bug to Apple: 22967293.

I will let you know if they answer.

Please file a bug report (using the Report Bugs link at the bottom of this page), with steps to reproduce and a crash report. Thanks!

Would be good if you could attach a crash report to that bug report. Thanks!

Have reported this bug to apple.Thanks!

I was running into this problem too. I solved it like this:

1. Remove the plist from the project (but keep the file on disk).

2. In the finder, copy the plist file from your base localization (e.g. en.lproj) to the other lproj folders.

3. Add the plist file from each lproj, one by one, to your project.

4. The plist file will appear in Xcode as a tree of localized files, just as if you'd successfully used the Localize checkboxes.

Hope that helps!


It worked!🙂