Using storyboard Present as popover, how to disable rest of a toolbar?

I have an iOS 9 storyboard containing various view controllers which are embedded inside a navigation controller, so there is a navigation bar at the top. I am also presenting a toolbar at the bottom, and I have added bar button items to various child view controllers.

The problem I am having is, several of the bar button items in the toolbar handle view controller navigation and also present view controllers via the Present as popover segue. When a popover is presented, the navigation bar button items are disabled, and the bar button item in the toolbar at the bottom that is presenting the popover is also disabled. However, none of the other bar button items in the toolbar at the bottom are disabled. So, if I tap a bar button item that performs view controller navigation, things happen underneath the popover, which is undesirable, and if I tap a bar button item that shows a popover, I get a log message "Warning: Attempt to present <UIViewController: 0x7dcca6c0> on <MyOtherViewController: 0x7dcafd40> which is already presenting (null)" which is also undesirable. I would prefer it if all of the bar button items were disabled.

Is there a best practice to disable the rest of the toolbar bar button items?

I do not have anything set for Passthrough for the segue.