Xcode UI testing broken with 7.0.1

A project that was working fine with 7.0.0 now fails randomly to recongize UI tests (meaning they don't show in the Text Navigator, so they can't be run). So I cleaned caches and Derived Data and started over. It now recongizes the tests but fails to execute them. The errror every time is:

    t =    18.16s             Find: Descendants matching type Button
    t =    18.17s             Find: Elements matching predicate '"User Setup" IN identifiers'
    t =    20.98s             Assertion Failure: UI Testing Failure - Failure getting list of active applications: AX error -25205

Is anyone else seeing this?


Accepted Reply

The solution for us was to upgrade all development machines to El Capitan and resinstall Xcode. Afterwords we are unable to reproduce this error.


I haven't seen that issue being reported before. Please file a bug report (using the Report Bugs link at the bottom of this page). Thanks!

Radar: 22898479


Verify if the identifier bundle name is equal from App and UITests.


App bundle identifier name: company.App
UITests bundle identifier name: company.AppUITests

The solution for us was to upgrade all development machines to El Capitan and resinstall Xcode. Afterwords we are unable to reproduce this error.

Had the exact same problem and the solution proposed by neil456 is the only thing that worked for me.