NSTableView, SourceList, Release Notes and VibrantEffect

According to the AppKit release notes for 10.11 and some results on google (including from App Kit developers), setting the color of a NSTableView to something different from the default one will disable the (very) often undesired vibrant effect when the "Highlight" mode is set to "Source List".

So I'm a bit surprised to see that when you set the "Background" color of a NSTableView to "Default" in Interface Builder in Xcode 7.1b, the Vibrant effect is gone when you run the application. I'm also wondering how you can get it back then.

Is it a bug in Interface Builder or in the App Kit or in the release notes?


Are you're trying to turn vibrancy on and off as your app runs? To do that, I'd recommend you set the highlight mode back to Regular and just drop your table view's parent NSScrollView into an NSVisualEffectView in Interface Builder. Connect an outlet to the visual effect view, and you will be able to manually switch the vibrancy on and off like this:

visualEffectView.state = .Active
visualEffectView.state = .Inactive
visualEffectView.state = .FollowsActiveWindowState

And no, I don't think it's a bug.