How to detect a library if it's contain bitcode?

“otool -l | grep bitcode” is null,but the static library contain bitcode. Xcode 7 ,EI Capitan 10.11.1


Nope, what you have do to is to detect LLVM segment in the static library file:

Supposed to have this static library

macbookproloreto:GoogleAnalytics admin$ lipo -info libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a
Architectures in the fat file: libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a are: armv7 armv7s i386 x86_64 arm64

you then have to

macbookproloreto:GoogleAnalytics admin$ otool -lv libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a  | grep __LLVM
   segname __LLVM
   segname __LLVM
   segname __LLVM
   segname __LLVM