Xcode 7 is very slow

I just downloaded and installed it yesterday, and it is so slow, development has pretty much ceased.

It takes several seconds just to switch editor panes. If I click on a file, to change to another file, it can take many seconds. Furthermore, it seems that the indexing spinner comes on constantly.

I removed all my DerivedData from Xcode 6, and opened a single, very small, project using ObjectiveC only.

I opened instruments, and loaded Xcode, then waited. After a while, Xcode "hung" on me again... I clicked on a file to change files, and it just never responded. Here is a link to the instuments trace.


I've heard of people having performance issues, but I've never experienced something like this, even with an extremely large project, so I'm at a loss as to what I can do here.


Remove any unsupported third-party plug-ins that you have installed. If you can still reproduce the problem, file a bug report (using the Report Bugs link at the bottom of this page) with the instruments trace attached. Thanks!

Having the same problem here.

After the update to xcode 7 my productivity dropped down. Xcode constantly freezes. Dont know what to do.

This could be due to the hardware you're using but, it is also very true that xCode has

been growing progressively slower for the past several versions. You really need a lot

of RAM and fast storage with recent versions. Multiple cores (beyond 2) is also very


Same here and it's not about the hw performance, it must be xcode 7's problem.

My machine is MBPR late 2013, 16GB ram, was okay with xcode 6.

If you file bug reports, and share the ids of your bug reports, there's a much better chance that whatever you're running into can be addressed, or that someone would be able to offer suggestions for fixes or workaroundfs.

I'm having the same issue. Xcode is horribly slow on my 2014 MBP with 16GM RAM. Xcode 6 was comparatively fine.

I've reported a bug, ID:


I only had one plugin installed, and I removed it. I still see the behavior afterwards.

I attached two instruments traces to the bug report. Here is the radar number: 22878987

I added another instruments trace, which shows xcode spinning at >95% cpu for over two minutes before it switched to a header file that has 15 lines of objective c code, including blank lines and the 6 line comment block at the top.

Also, I added a file with all xcode related entries from the console, and a spindump from a CPU warning also found in console.

See bug report 22892927. I've included a screen recording.

Recently I did the upgrade to Yosimite + XCode 7.0, and also was very slow (horrifically at times).

For me, I disabled Source Code (Never used it before - I do my own multiple probably OCD backups 😝) and for some reason it's enabled by default now?

Now it's all smooth again 🙂

Hope that helps!

This seems to a useful tip. In my case I didn't disable source control as I am using it, but commiting changes seems to have addressed the performance issues, at least temporarily. It seems that at least one cause of the slow down is the number of uncommitted changes in a project

I just had a project open with no uncommitted changes and it was still doing it.

Going to try disabling source control, but I'm really hoping Apple fixes this quickly. 7.0.1 is out, but there was nothing in the release notes about addressing performance.

Just to add some information to this discussion, I have a very repeatable issue with tooltip rendering in the Project Navigator (files tab) in the Navigator (left) sidebar. Basically, if I move my mouse around in there over files, Xcode CPU usage spikes and after a few seconds (on a Retina MacBook Pro with an SSD) it renders a tooltip showing the full filename and then the CPU spike ends. If you hover over a lot of files (by momentarily spinning your mouse around a list of 6-8 files) Xcode will lock up for nearly a minute. I haven't (yet) reported a beg related to this, but I was wondering if I was alone in this or if anyone else can reproduce it.

I've disabled source control and it has no effect on this particular slowdown.

EDIT: It seems to go away with a fresh launch of Xcode. I'll post again if it happens again (it was not a 1-time thing, I've noticed it every day since I upgraded).

There are two camps of Apple devs... those who have worked for Apple and say file a radar or gtfo... and those who have told me that it's a waste of time.

I guess I naively believed your post... that filing a bug report may result in fixes, or suggestions, or workarounds.

I spent a lot of time creating log files, instrument traces, and uploaded numerous helpful documents to my bug report. What did I get? A response on the bug telling me to disable third party plugins... which I had already done... and then when I responded with thiat piece of information, they CLOSE my bug report as a duplicate of another bug report referenced in this same thread (22860652).

How do they know it's a duplicate unless they have identified the problem. It could be completely unrelated to the other issue. If they have identified the problem they could at least say so.

I know it does not matter, because I'm just one developer, but this totally *****. What help will I ever get on this problem?

I appreciate you and others at Apple helping, but all of you say the same thing... and few of us get any satifaction from filing bug reports.

I expected something... maybe some work around or something... Xcode spins for MINUTES... I can't get anything done.

I guess my only solution is to remove xcode 7 and install xcode 6.

Would wasting one of my support requests even be worthwhile for this? I'd do it if I thought there was any chance it would get somebody's attention and get the problem addressed.

Please keep me posted. My bug report was marked as a duplicate of yours... and closed. So, I guess I'll never hear anything again about it.

I sure hope you gave the lots of information, because my report is closed which means I guess they will not look at all the extra information I provided.

I also intentionally left out the detail of me removing the two plugins I use (Alcatraz and VVDocumenter) before restarting. I didn't want my post to be dismissed out of hand as a problem with plugins.

Xcode (plugin free) is choking as we speak. I'm running various instruments on it and saving the results. Currently, Xcode is still struggling with about 10 seconds of mouse jiggling (in the Leaks instrument so it's greatly affecting the speed). Between that sentence and this one, it finished. 10-20 seconds of circling the mouse around in the Project Navigator over the same 5 classes (5 .h, 5 .m files) took almost 17 minutes to become responsive again. For the duration of my mouse circling (not even clicking, mind you) Xcode was making allocations as long as my mouse was moving. The only time in the instrument that it flatlined on the way up was when Xcode froze and wasn't accepting more mouse events.

I've also run the CPU time instrument, and the Counters instrument. Different runs, same behavior. Links to download the traces are below.

https://copy.com/jQ8dWmbZeWR63Szr (note, the Leaks trace is 1.9 GB)

While it's like this, are there any other instruments I should run? I tried to run the system trace one, but it froze, wrote and read a bunch of data to and from disk and then instruments crashed.

The only things I've done with Xcode is run it since yesterday and do some development work with it (maybe 3 hours total that Xcode was in focus after my post).

Also, just noticed this. Xcode will struggle if I try to rapidly switch between a few files (by clicking on them in the Project Navigator). It seems to wait for the source code coloring to finish before switching the next file every time. Maybe it shouldn't.

Xcode 7 is very slow