CoreData: Failed to load optimized model

My app was working just fine untill I update it iOS9.

I'm app is crashing saying

CoreData: Failed to load optimized model at path '/Users/hariharansivan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/60E1BD43-613B-4C9F-9515-A570E55A4327/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/8C919225-5C03-4600-9F8E-9DE16A068672/'

I really don't have any idea where its wrong.

Please help me to fix this issue.


Check this

Somehow i have fixed it myself.

It is just a message logs at console. It won't crash or warn you. But whenever you try profiling through instruments, the app gets crash the moment you receive this message. So,

Follow these steps to resolve:

1. Go to products group in your project file navigator and select your product then choose show in finder

2. Select your and then choose show package contents

3. Now you will see your proudct-name.momd folder. Open it there you will see your product-name.omo

4. Delete that and run the project again

5. And it works you won't see any log message in the console now

Make sure you are not deleting any .mom files

i can't see myproduct.momd

just clean you build folder (menu: Product > Clean Build Folder). If that doesn't do it, consider running pod update, and cleaning build folder again.