iOS 9 over the air deployment - Unable t o Download App

I have an enterprise app that allows user to download and install through https over the air. It has been working great through iOS 8. But all my new iOS9 devices are not able to download the app. It shows error message

Unable to Download App

"app name" could not be downloaded at this time

Done Retry

No matter what I tried, including using the latest XCode and generate manifest file, iOS 9 refuses to install it. My iOS 8 is able to install it even now. Please help. Thanks.


we're experiencing the same thing. seems like it only affects devices that did not have the app installed prior to upgrade, or devices that were restored/upgraded.

i'm guessing it is a trust issue...with devices that had previously trusted the developer, then upgraded, there was no problem launching the apps until i delete them and try to reinstall them. once the trust relationship is gone (via deleting the previously trusted apps) ...baam... problem replicated. Previously, the OS would normally would ask if you want to trust the developer when installing, but that step isn't happening anymore. this did not happen to me when i was testing our apps with iOS 9 beta.

the plist bundle identifier is the same name as the app... so i doubt that is the issue. i'm not an ios developer, but i'm wondering if the apps need to be rebuilt specifically for fresh installs (outside the app store). i'm waiting for our developer to get back to me on that.

@rarc_ccmp, were you ever able to get this resolved?

What do the device logs show?

Apps built with Xcode 7+ have exhibited this behavior due to changes to the provisioning profile that don't match the entitlements on the developer portal for the bundle id you're trying to deploy. Review the provisioning profile that was used to sign your app and make sure the entitlements are correct.