pressesBegan & Gesture State

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, or what I am missing, but I am unable to get a response from pressesBegan. In never called no matter what I press/tap/do on the simulator remote. touchesBegan is called as normal. Even if I remove all the touches events (thinking I can't do both) I still get the same result. Also, I set up UITapGestureRecognizers for UIPressTypePlayPause/UIPressTypeSelect etc, but they only seem to give me the UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded state, so I don't know when it was initially pressed. I'm just testing all this out on a starter spritekit project.

Accepted Reply

It worked for me if I put it on the GameViewController of a basic SpriteKit project, but would not work if I put it on the SKScene


It worked for me if I put it on the GameViewController of a basic SpriteKit project, but would not work if I put it on the SKScene

Thank you, interesting. Never used spritekit before. So is this intended and I am supposed to send up my presses to whichever scene is running then?

Same here: In the SpriteKit scene or subnodes I can receive touch events, but I can't receive press events.

I receive the press events without problems in the originating view controller, and I now have to "forward" them to the SpriteKit scene.