Rating review and download data of an App

How to get rating review and download data of an app? Is there any Apple API to get this data?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of dssbpe Down vote post of dssbpe


Did you check the sales reports and analytics via iTunes Connect?

If you need it inside your app, you might try the iTunes Search API.

Thanks much for the response KMT.

Yes I have looked into sales reports and analytics via itunes connect. We are able to get only the download related data from it. Ratings and review of the app is still needed. I see that search API provides avg overall as well as current rating.

I am looking for something more in detail like how many 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 stars for current and all versions.

Please shed some light if you have anything more to add.

>Yes I have looked into sales reports and analytics via itunes connect. We are able to get only the download related data from it. Ratings and review of the app is still needed.

iTC includes a 'Reviews' tab, but you need a certain amount (5?) for them to appear there - the review should include rating, as I recall.

>Please shed some light if you have anything more to add.

You still didn't say how you intend to use it, so I'm not sure what more to suggest.

  • Well... he asked for an API.

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Hi KMT - Thanks for the response and sorry for the late reply. We are planning to report whats the count of 5 star rating etc, count of downloads, count of updates, the reviews in a dashboard on a daily basis.

I am looking for a way to systematically code that to get these results. For that I am looking for some API from Apple which provides this info like how we have gsutils in Google Play Store.

Please let me know if you need more context


Did you ever find a solution to this?

I am trying to do the same thing.


Anyone can retrieve the RSS feed: https://itunes.apple.com/{country}/rss/customerreviews/id={your app id}/xml

country is the App Store country where you sell it, e.g. us, jp.

app id is the number following "id" in the App Store URL.

Thanks this helped me 🙂