ERROR ITMS-90362 Submitting watch OS2 app with Healthkit to iTunes Connect

Have been trying to upload an archive of our app and watch app to iTunes Connect which includes support for iOS9 and watch OS 2 with healthkit.

I keep running into this error:

ERROR ITMS-90362" :Invalid Info.plist value. The value for the key 'UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities' in bundle {bundle name} is invalid. Expecting array with a single string value of watch-companion'

In order to get our app working since it relies on healthkit, we have included healthkit in our UIRequriedDeviceCapabilities and without it the app will never load.


Using this causes the app to not be able to submit. If i change the string to 'watch-companion' as it seems to suggest, then the watch app will never start.

Here is an image of the error when uploading through Organizer:

Has anyone been able to submit a watch OS2 app for internal testing with healthkit capabilities?

EDIT: Just as a note, this is a universal (iPhone and iPad) app.



I'm also running into this

Same here...

Has apple said they are ready to support iOS9 apps for upload?

sorry, no help here but same error....

No! You guys are jumping the gun submitting your apps now -- they will not be accepted yet.

You will not be able to sign the app and upload it. Wait until XCode and WatchOS 2 is no longer beta.

I thought that it was now possible to submit beta builds of iOS 9 apps for testflight testing? Ive not been trying to submit my app for review, just simple upload it to connect and i get the same error

Still no luck with GM versions either, any other suggestions. Have looked at active architecture settings and got no where with those.

Yeah, just tried on GM as well with no success.

Is you app Universal?

Exact same issue here, any luck anyone?

Me too, can't submit my two apps that use HealthKit. Good thing I was already still up ordering iPhones. 😉


Exact same thing here. +1. Apparently there's a radar for it: 22417478

How did you find that number? I created one the other night too.


Anyway, hopefully, they fix that soon so we can actually submit our apps.


I searched the forums for the error ITMS-90362. Someone else posted their radar #.