CloudKit in an Enterprise App?

I'm developing an "Enterprise" app for my company, and want to incorporate CloudKit. I have been unable to discover how this slots in to the "development" / "production" model.

For instance, previous apps that received Push Notifications required those to be sent to the Apple "Production" APNS, not the "Development" one.

While either service should work, just trying to understand what (if any) options I have...


Did you go forward with Cloudkit? I am using cloudkit to synch my macs and iOS devices and am just using the development container and it seems to work fine. I'd like to go production but have concerns about future modifications to the schema and adding new ckSubscriptions.

I never got an email update to tell me you had asked this question.

No, I never did find out, and never pursued it as the project that would need it never materialized.