you are not authorized to use this service for provider: 8B62H98L75

I have this error when submitting an app using XCode 6.4

you are not authorized to use this service for provider: 8B62H98L75

I already deleted and added my account, refreshed and nothing happened. I can't find any information about this bug.


I have also the same problem have you tried contacting Apple?


I am facing the same problem.

"iTunes Store operation failed. You are not authorized to use this service."

Have you found the reason for this?


I am also facing same problem.

I created certificates using Xcode (7.1.1) only. Also checked provisioning profiles, created new profile also. But nothing is working for me.

When I tried using Application Loader 3.3, it starts uploading the IPA but the speed is too slow and also my whole internet breaks, even if I "ping" around 50% times it fails to ping and the moment I stop uploading the IAP from Application Loader, everything seems to be fine.

Please help.


I've just got the same error with Xcode Version 7.2 (7C68).

Deleting and re-downloading all the profiles didn't help, removing and re-adding the account in Preferences->Account neither.

I finally managed to upload the .ipa file with Application Loader (it actually returned an error at the end and apparently it restarted the upload process several time before reaching the end, but I now see the binary uploaded and processed on itunesconnect.

Tomorrow the app store and itunesconnect are closing for holidays so I guess Apple's servers are pretty busy during these days.

Does Application Loader validate the app too before uploading it?


One of our developers on our team has run into this same error last week. We've tried all the methods discussed here including:

  1. Removed developer account from Xcode -> added developer account back into Xcode -> Still hit the error.
  2. I tried Xcode -> Preferences -> Apple ID -> Download All to get my latest provisioning profiles up to date. Still get the error.
  3. Deleted all old archives, cleaned project, archive again. Still get the error.
  4. Increased build number and version number in both the project and in itunes connect. Still get the error.
  5. Deleted derived data in the Library -> Developer folder and still get the error.
  6. Cleaned the project -> Archived the project again -> Unchecked "enable bitcode" and still receive the error.

What's most bizzare is that the other team members with the same version of Xcode and same team proifle are able to build and upload to iTunesConnect just fine. Also the developer in question is able to upload builds with the Application Uploader but for some reason his signed builds are carrying invalid certificates and not installable but our customers.

He's now going through the long drawn out process of uninstalling Xcode and reinstalling from scratch to see if that resolves his issue. It's unfortunate it had to come to this.

#6 Cleaned the project - rarely does anything, instead, use Xcode's Product menu, then, with the option key pressed, select 'Clean Build Folder' to forces Xcode to trash the old index and make a new one. Confirm no errors in the navigator and go again.

The error is to do with one of the following scenarios:

1) A bundle that isn't registered. or badly registered.

2) A newly developed app being uploaded but iTuesConnect don't have any details on it.

3) XCode still caching things up incorrectly on a newly registered app.

Try the following:

If (1) is your problem, then make sure that your bundle is typed in correctly, example: if your website is MyWebSite.MyDomain.COM where you expect to host MyAPP... then your bundle should be called "com.mydomain.mywebsite.myapp", notice the name MUST be spelled in small letters.

If (2) is your problem, then login into and then go to MyApps, create your new APP there, type anything unique to identify your SKU code (this is unique to you, if you have a database on excel or something), anyway, now you will come to select your BUNDLE, you will probably see from the list few bundles there, I guess you probably will not see your bundle listed, therefore, click the little blue link under the list to create it instead, this will take you into the site, select bundles (or I think IDs etc) from the left menu, click on the + sign to create a new bundle, make sure that your app matches that from the example solution to (1) above, go back into your MyAPp registrations, and then refresh the page (you might have to log out and the nin again for things to sync), select your bundle from there, and then create your app... once created, then go back into XCODE and then try again.

That leaves (3) as your problem, which can happen if you follow (1) and (2) solutions anyway, since XCODE needs refreshing too... First; try to upload, if you fail then simply just close XCODE (CMD+Q) and then load it up again, try one more time, this worked fine for me.

I hope this helps

Kind Regards

Heider Sati